Thursday, September 8, 2016

As I said before.... Shopping!

So, lots of people have asked me, "What do you do while Matthew is at school.." Well I watch a lot of 'Gilmore Girls"...  Like a lot. But other than that, I go out. My fridge is an oversized mini fridge and thus holds pretty much nothing. That being said, I am required to go out and get food every day. So, everyday I go for at least a 2 hour walk while I carry all of my recent purchases. It's quite interesting actually. Things I've noticed:

  • Everyone walks around. It is not uncommon to see lots of people with grocery bags walking home. That was something new for me. 
  • Also, most of the time, people don't smile back. That makes me kind of sad, but if you get talking to them, everyone is so nice. You just have to break the "I'm not going to smile" barrier. 
  • Don't give tips. They don't expect one, and they don't treat you like they need one. We learned that the tips never go to the waiters anyway, so no one gives them tips. This causes some poor customer service.
  • It smells. EVERYWHERE. I will be enjoying the beautiful walk to the store and all of the sudden, it's like the sewer threw up on me. It's terrible. But, it always passes. 
  • Fruit and Veggies are waaaaaay cheaper here. They sell everything by weight here. I don't remember if it was the zucchini or the red bell pepper I got, it might have even been something else, but it was only 33 cents. By the end of getting all of my veggies and fruits in order, I was spending under 6 Euros. 
  • Everyone smokes.
  • Jean underwear is a thing everywhere.. not just in the states. (If you aren't sure what those are, jean underwear are Denim shorts that are so short, they might as well just be denim underwear.---thank you Urban dictionary...)
Anyway, there is a small list. I'm sure there are more things, but that's what you get for now. When I finally get to my destination, I arrive at El Corte Ingles. This is a magical place where you can buy everything. Imagine a Walmart... on steroids. It's like a mall and all the cool supermarkets in the worlds combined to make El Corte Ingles. Needless to say. It's a cool place. I spend about an hour or two there everyday. Because it is such a large part of my life, I took a video of my walk there so you can go with me. 

Also, I like the milk here. Why????? I'm pretty sure it's sweetened... that's why. haha. 

Love you all! Sorry for the short post. Things have been great. OH to explain the money thing I talk about in the video, our cards weren't declined.. I tried to take out money from an ATM with my debit card and apparently since I hadn't called and changed my address along with my husband, it was suspicious that I was making a transaction in Spain..................................................................ugh. So we had to get that resolved and I didn't figure it out until after I had left for the day. That's what I was talking about. 

Also, some random pictures from the city. 

Our first breakfast here. It was at a little shop right by our apartment. I wasn't a huge fan of the bread with tomatoes... or the eggs.. but everything put together tasted pretty good!
Plaza de la Virgen. All those little statues surrounding the man in the middle of the fountain are little naked women pouring out buckets of water....
This is a door from the cathedral in la Plaza de la Virgen
Terrible focus, but it's a closer look at a section of the door.
Another close up.
Again with the close thing.
Last one.
Beautiful fresco painting in the cathedral. 
My first attempt to make a video... which failed haha. 


  1. Hi Melissa, this is your Great Aunt Janiece. I have sure enjoyed your posts, I read the first one quite some time ago and then kinda of forgot about you, lol, then I thought about you today! When you are getting old, that's the way things work, ha. I am going to try to remember Painted Piano Keys so I can read your next post and watch your videos. I would have thought that everyone in Spain spoke I right? Evidently not, was so surprised to find out they spoke a lot of French and Portuguese. The pictures there are beautiful, I love pictures of any place in Europe. On Monday my Daughter Bethany, your dad's cousin, is going back to Italy for the 2nd time with her husband. It is actually a business trip for him and last year when they went he was sick the whole time, ugh. Bethany is so excited to be going back as while hubby works she will be shopping and restaurant hopping and sightseeing! Ryan does get a little time to have fun but not as much as Bethany. This year will be better for them, they know not to go to Venice, they hated it there and it stinks! They have already been to Rome and the Colosseum, so this year they will spend most of their time in Verona and maybe go to Florence. It got kind of cold today and it rained a lot, making it hard to take our little Terrier outdoors to go potty. Do you remember the little dog Toto in Wizard of Oz? That would be our Molly but she is different coloring, cream, brown and gray. Well I will let you go, looking forward to your next blog :)

  2. I love how you are sharing your experience with us! Thank you! I love the history and architecture found in Europe! Keep sharing, it is all fascinating to me! Thank you! Sincerely, Your cousin Melane(out in Nebraska)
